半月線 ( はんげつせん、 英 : semilunar line )




  ・ 腹筋が発達し、体脂肪が少ない人ほどはっきりと表れる。






【 Wikipedia 】

 The linea semilunaris (also semilunar line or Spigelian line) is a curved tendinous intersection found on either side of the rectus abdominis muscle.

【 Structure 】

 The linea semilunaris corresponds with the lateral border of the rectus abdominis muscle. It extends from the cartilage of the ninth rib to the pubic tubercle.[citation needed] It is formed by the aponeurosis of the internal oblique at its line of division to enclose the rectus. This is reinforced anteriorly by the external oblique, and posteriorly by the transversus abdominis above the arcuate line.[1]

 The semilunar line, linea semilunaris or Spigelian line is a bilateral vertical curved line in the anterior abdominal wall where the layers of the rectus sheath fuse lateral to the rectus abdominis muscle and medial to the oblique muscles.


【 語 句 】

rectus abdominis muscle : 腹直筋  ・ correspond with ~ : ~に一致する  ・ cartilage : 軟骨  ・ pubic tubercle :恥骨結節  ・ aponeurosis : 腱膜  ・i nternal oblique : 内腹斜筋  ・ reinforce : 補強する  ・ external oblique : 外腹斜筋  ・ transversus abdominis : 腹横筋  ・ arcuate line : 弓状線  


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