烏口突起 ( うこうとっき、英:coracoid process




 以下は 「船戸和弥のホームページ」の解説文となる。

「肩甲切痕と関節窩の間には、烏の嘴のように折れ曲がった烏口突起が前外側方に突出している。烏口突起は烏口腕筋と上腕二頭筋(の短頭)が起こり、また小胸筋が付くための突起である。Koraxというギリシャ語は烏(または烏の嘴ように曲がったもの-ドアの把手など)を意味する。 」



「The coracoid process (from Greek κ?ραξ, crow) is a small hook-like structure on the lateral edge of the superior anterior portion of the scapula. Pointing laterally forward, it, together with the acromion, serves to stabilize the shoulder joint. It is palpable in the deltopectoral groove between the deltoid and pectoralis major muscles.
"Coracoid" in itself means "like a raven's beak", with reference to its shape. (Greek "Korax" = Raven)
Structure: The coracoid process is a thick curved process attached by a broad base to the upper part of the neck of the scapula; it runs at first upward and medialward; then, becoming smaller, it changes its direction, and projects forward and lateralward.
The ascending portion, flattened from before backward, presents in front a smooth concave surface, across which the Subscapularis passes.
The horizontal portion is flattened from above downward; its upper surface is convex and irregular, and gives attachment to the Pectoralis minor; its under surface is smooth; its medial and lateral borders are rough; the former gives attachment to the Pectoralis minor and the latter to the coracoacromial ligament; the apex is embraced by the conjoined tendon of origin of the Coracobrachialis and short head of the Biceps brachii and gives attachment to the coracoclavicular fascia.
On the medial part of the root of the coracoid process is a rough impression for the attachment of the conoid ligament; and running from it obliquely forward and lateralward, on to the upper surface of the horizontal portion, is an elevated ridge for the attachment of the trapezoid ligament. [1]
Function: It is the site of attachment for several structures:





