オトガイ棘 ( おとがいきょく、 英:mental spine )






「正中線にあるオトガイ隆起に相当した4個の尖鋭な小突起の集まり。そのうち、上方の1対をオトガイ舌筋棘、下方の1対をオトガイ舌骨筋棘といい、いずれも同名の筋が起始する。 」



「下顎体の内面には正中線の下端に近く、密接して上下にならぶ2対の小突起、オトガイ棘がある。上方のやや大きな棘はオトガイ舌骨筋の着く所である。JNAではオトガイ舌筋棘と呼ばれていた。 」



 A mental spine is a small projection of bone on the posterior aspect of the mandible in the midline. There are usually four mental spines: two superior and two inferior. Collectively they are also known as the genial tuberclegenial apophysis and the Latin name spinae mentalis. The inferior mental spines are the points of origin of the geniohyoid muscle, one of the suprahyoid muscles, and the superior mental spines are the origin of the genioglossus muscle, one of the muscles of the tongue. Mental spines are important landmarks in clinical practice.


 Mental spines are found on the posterior aspect of the mandible (lower jaw bone) in the midline. They usually surround spinous mental foramina in the midline.

 Mental spines may be found in over 98% of people. Over 70% of mandibles may only have 2 superior spines, while around 20% may have 4 spines.


 The inferior mental spines are the points of origin of the geniohyoid muscle, one of the suprahyoid muscles, and the superior mental spines are the origin of the genioglossus muscle, one of the muscles of the tongue.


【 語 句 】

・mandible:下顎骨  ・geniohyoid muscle:オトガイ舌骨筋 ・suprahyoid muscles:舌骨上筋  ・genioglossus muscle:オトガイ舌筋 ・foramina:孔  


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