鎖骨下静脈  ( さこつかじょうみゃく、 英 : subclavian vein )




 ・ 上肢 (upper extremity) の全静脈を受ける。

 ・「 直径はだいたい 1~2㎝ ほど 」( Wikipedia )

 「 船戸和弥のHP 」に以下のような解説文が見受けられる。

 「 前方は鎖骨と鎖骨下筋に、後方は前斜角筋を隔てて鎖骨下動脈に接し、下方は第1肋骨上面の鎖骨顆上脈溝に接する。まれに動脈と伴行して前斜角筋の後方を通ることがある。」 







 以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。

「 The subclavian vein is a paired large vein, one on either side of the body, that is responsible for draining blood from the upper extremities, allowing this blood to return to the heart. The left subclavian vein plays a key role in the absorption of fats and lipids, by allowing products that have been carried by lymph to enter the bloodstream, where it can enter the hepatic portal vein. The diameter of the subclavian veins is approximately 1–2 cm, depending on the individual.[1]

【 語 句 】

・ upper extremity : 上肢   ・ absorption : 吸収  ・ lipid : 脂質   ・ lymph : リンパ液  ・ hepatic portal vein : 肝門脈 


【 Structure 】

 Each subclavian vein is a continuation of the axillary vein and runs from the outer border of the first rib to the medial border of anterior scalene muscle. From here it joins with the internal jugular vein to form the brachiocephalic vein ( also known as "innominate vein" ). The angle of union is termed the venous angle.
The subclavian vein follows the subclavian artery and is separated from the subclavian artery by the insertion of anterior scalene. Thus, the subclavian vein lies anterior to the anterior scalene while the subclavian artery lies posterior to the anterior scalene ( and anterior to the middle scalene ).

【 語 句 】

axillary vein : 腋窩静脈   ・ anterior scalene muscle : 前斜角筋  ・ internal jugular vein : 内頚静脈   ・ brachiocephalic vein : 腕頭静脈  ・ venous angle : 静脈角   ・ subclavian artery : 鎖骨下動脈  ・ middle scalene : 中斜角筋 


【 Function 】

 The thoracic duct drains into the left subclavian vein,[2] near its junction with the left internal jugular vein. It carries lymph ( water and solutes ) from the lymphatic system, as well as chylomicrons or chyle, formed in the intestines from dietary fat and lipids, allowing these to enter the bloodstream ; the products of fats and lipids can then be carried by the bloodstream to the hepatic portal vein, and then finally to the liver, making it so that the left subclavian vein plays a key role in the absorption of these fats and lipids.
The right lymphatic duct drains its lymph into the junction of the right internal jugular vein, and the right subclavian vein. 」

【 語 句 】

thoracic duct : 胸管   ・ solute : 溶質  ・ lymphatic system : リンパ系   ・ chylomicron : 乳状脂粒  ・ chyle : 乳び   ・ intestine : 腸 


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