・「 ヒトの体の中でいちばん大きな静脈で、その直径は約 3.5 cmである。」( ウィキペディア )
【 弁に関して 】
胎児においては下大静脈が右心房に注ぐ口には弁 ( Eustachian valve :下大静脈弁 ) が見られるが、成長するにしたがってだんだん退縮し、成人になると痕跡のみとなる。
他の部分の弁の有無に関しては、「 日本人体解剖学 」や「 船戸和也のHP 」には言及は一切見られない。また「 Wikipedia 」には「 弁を有する 」または「 弁を有しない 」と相反する解説文が見られる。
「 Its walls are rigid and it has valves so the blood does not flow down via gravity. 」
「 Despite the previous paragraph, the inferior vena cava does not have any valves. 」

【 経路詳細 】
1 . 第5腰椎の高さで左右の総腸骨静脈が合流して下大静脈が起始する。
( 起始部では大動脈に密着するようにすぐ左側に位置し、腰椎の正中線よりもやや右よりとなっている。)
2 . 脊柱に沿うように腹腔を上行するが、上行するにしたがって脊柱の右よりにその位置を変えていく。
3 . ( 第1腰椎の高さにおいて大きな静脈である左右の 腎静脈 ( renal vein ) が流れ込む。)
4 . 第8胸椎の高さに置いて3本の 肝静脈 ( hepatic vein ) が正面から流れ込んですぐに大静脈孔より横隔膜を貫通して腹腔を脱する。
5 . 胸腔に入ってからも上行を続け心臓の右心房 ( right atrium ) に達する。
以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。
「 The inferior vena cava ( or IVC ) is a large vein that carries the deoxygenated blood from the lower and middle body into the right atrium of the heart. Its walls are rigid and it has valves so the blood does not flow down via gravity. It is formed by the joining of the right and the left common iliac veins, usually at the level of the fifth lumbar vertebra.
The inferior vena cava is the lower ("inferior") of the two venae cavae, the two large veins that carry deoxygenated blood from the body to the right atrium of the heart: the inferior vena cava carries blood from the lower half of the body whilst the superior vena cava carries blood from the upper half of the body. Together, the venae cavae (in addition to the coronary sinus, which carries blood from the muscle of the heart itself) form the venous counterparts of the aorta.
It is a large retroperitoneal vein that lies posterior to the abdominal cavity and runs along the right side of the vertebral column. It enters the right auricle at the lower right, back side of the heart. The name derives from Latin : vena, "vein", cavus, "hollow".
【 語 句 】
・ deoxygenated : 脱酸素化した ・ right atrium : 右心房 ・ rigid : 硬くて曲がらない? ・ common iliac veins : 総腸骨静脈 ・ lumbar vertebra : 腰椎 ・ whilst~ : ~する一方で ・ coronary sinus : 冠静脈洞 ・ counterpart : よく似たもの ・ aorta : 大動脈 ・ retroperitoneal : 後腹膜の ・ abdominal cavity : 腹腔 ・ vertebral column :脊 柱 ・ auricle : 外耳
【 Structure 】
The inferior vena cava is formed by the joining of the left and right common iliac veins and brings collected blood into the right atrium of the heart. It also joins with the azygos vein (which runs on the right side of the vertebral column) and venous plexuses next to the spinal cord. Despite the previous paragraph, the inferior vena cava does not have any valves.
The inferior vena cava begins as the left and right common iliac veins behind the abdomen unite, at about the level of L5. It passes through the thoracic diaphragm at the caval opening at the level of T8.
【 Tributaries 】
The specific levels of the tributaries are as follows:
・ T 8 : hepatic veins ( 肝静脈 ), inferior phrenic vein ( 下横隔静脈 )
・ L 1 : right suprarenal vein ( 右副腎静脈 ), renal veins ( 腎静脈 )
・ L 2 : right gonadal vein ( 生殖腺静脈 )
・ L 1 ~ L 5 : lumbar veins ( 腰静脈 )
・ L 5 : common iliac veins ( 総腸骨静脈 )
Because the inferior vena cava is located to the right of the midline, drainage of the tributaries is not always symmetrical. On the right, the gonadal veins and suprarenal veins drain into the inferior vena cava directly. On the left, they drain into the renal vein which in turn drains into the inferior vena cava. By contrast, all the lumbar veins and hepatic veins usually drain directly into the inferior vena cava.
【 語 句 】
・ azygos vein : 奇静脈 ・ spinal cord : 脊髄 ・ diaphragm : 横隔膜 ・ caval opening : 大静脈孔
【 Development 】
In the embryo, the inferior vena cava and right auricle are separated by the valve of the inferior vena cava, also known as the Eustachian valve. In the adult, this valve typically has totally regressed or remains as a small fold of endocardium.[1]
【 Variation 】
Rarely, the inferior vena cava may vary in its size and position. In transposition of the great arteries the inferior vena cava may lie on the left. It may be replaced by two vessels beneath the level of the renal veins.[2]
【 Function 】
The inferior vena cava is a vein. It carries deoxygenated blood from the lower half of the body to the right atrium of the heart.[2]
The corresponding vein that carries deoxygenated blood from the upper half of the body is the superior vena cava. 」
【 語 句 】
・ embryo : 胎児 ・ Eustachian valve : 下大静脈弁 ・ regressed : 退行して ・ endocardium : 心内膜 ・ transposition : 転移
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