
下横隔静脈、 上行腰静脈、 副腎静脈、 上位腰静脈( Wikipediaでは「 第 2」となっている)、
精巣 / 卵巣静脈 ※「Wikipedia」には上行腰静脈の名称は見られない。
【 変 異 】
・左腎静脈が腹大動脈の後ろを通過することがある。 ⇒ 大動脈後左腎静脈 ( retroaortic left renal vein )
⇒ 大動脈周囲腎静脈 ( circumaortic renal vein )
以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。
「 The renal veins are veins that drain the kidney. They connect the kidney to the inferior vena cava. They carry the blood filtered by the kidney.
【 Structure 】
There is one vein per kidney, that divides into 4 divisions upon entering the kidney :
- the anterior branch which receives blood from the anterior portion of the kidney and,
- the posterior branch which receives blood from the posterior portion.
Because the inferior vena cava is on the right half of the body, the left renal vein is generally the longer of the two.
Because the inferior vena cava is not laterally symmetrical, the left renal vein often receives the following veins:[1]
This is in contrast to the right side of the body, where these veins drain directly into the IVC.
Often, each renal vein will have a branch that receives blood from the ureter.
【 Variation 】
It is usually singular to each kidney, except in the condition "multiple renal veins".[2] In some people the left renal vein passes behind the abdominal aorta instead of in front of it, this is termed a retroaortic left renal vein, which is also known as "The Vein of Schnitker." If there is both a vein passing in front of and one behind the aorta this is called a circumaortic renal vein. 」
【 語 句 】
・ kidney: ・ inferior vena cava: ・symmetrical :左右対称な ・ ureter:尿管 ・abdominal aorta : ・ retroaortic left renal vein:大動脈後左腎静脈 ・ circumaortic renal vein:大動脈周囲腎静脈
【 イラスト掲載サイト 】
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