以下は大腿深静脈に注ぐ静脈を簡単に表したものとなる。 参考:日本人体解剖学
「 日本人体解剖学 」「 船戸和弥のHP 」
以下は「 radiopaedia 」の解説文となる。
「 The perforating veins of the lower limb ( PV or “perforators”) are so called because they perforate the deep fascia of muscles, to connect the superficial venous systems of the lower extremity to the deep veins where they drain. There are numerous veins that are variable in arrangement, connection, size, and distribution. In the lower limb the Terminologia Anatomica ( TA ) generally considers there to be 6 groups of them 3.
Perforators of the foot ( venae perforantes pedis )
- ・ dorsal foot perforators ( 足背貫通静脈? )
- ・ intercapitular veins ( 骨頭間静脈 )
- ・ plantar foot perforators ( 足底貫通静脈? )
- ・ lateral foot perforators ( 外側貫通静脈? )
- ・ medial foot perforators ( 内側貫通静脈 )
Perforators of the ankle ( venae perforantis tarsalis )
- ・ medial ankle perforators ( ? ) 」
【 語 句 】
・ deep fascia : 深筋膜 ・ extremity : 末端 ・ distribution : 分布
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