外腸骨静脈 ( 総腸骨静脈を形作る静脈の1つ ) 

( がいちょうこつじょうみゃく、 英 : external iliac vein )



・ 起始部以外では弁は存在しない。( 出所不明 )

 「 The external iliac vein may have one valve, but often has no valves. 」( Wikipedia )

・ 左の腸骨静脈の常に左の外腸骨動脈の内側を走る形になるが、右の外腸骨静脈は上行するに従って右の外腸骨動脈の後方を走るようになる。









 以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。

「 The external iliac veins are large veins that connect the femoral veins to the common iliac veins. Their origin is at the inferior margin of the inguinal ligaments and they terminate when they join the internal iliac veins ( to form the common iliac veins ).
Both external iliac veins are accompanied along their course by external iliac arteries.

【 Structure 】

 A continuation of the femoral vein,[1] the external iliac vein starts at the level of the inguinal ligament.[2] It runs beside its corresponding artery and along the brim of the lesser pelvis to unite with the internal iliac vein anterior to the sacroiliac joint where it forms the common iliac vein.[3]

【 語 句 】

femoral veins : 大腿静脈   ・ common iliac veins : 総腸骨静脈  ・ inguinal ligaments : 鼡径靭帯   ・ internal iliac veins : 内腸骨静脈  ・ external iliac arteries : 外腸骨動脈   ・ lesser pelvis : 小骨盤  ・ sacroiliac joint : 仙腸関節 

The left external iliac vein remains medial to the artery along its whole path. The right external iliac vein is medial to the artery, but as it ascends, it runs posterior to it.[2]
The external iliac vein is crossed by the ureter and internal iliac artery which both extend towards the middle. In males it is crossed by the vas deferens and in females the round ligament and ovarian vessels cross it. Psoas major lies to its side, except where the artery intervenes.[4]
The external iliac vein may have one valve, but often has no valves.[2]
In addition to pubic veins, the main tributaries of the external iliac veins are the inferior epigastric veins and the deep circumflex iliac vein.[4]

【 語 句 】

ureter : 尿管   ・ vas deferens : 精管  ・ round ligament : 子宮円索   ・ ovarian vessels : 卵巣動・静脈  ・ psoas major : 大腰筋   ・ intervene : 入り込む・邪魔に入る 


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