・「 発生学的に上肢の尺側縁における辺縁静脈に由来する。」 ( 船戸和弥のHP )
・「 しばしば2本の小幹として前腕の内側面を肘窩に向かってすすむ.」 ( Rauber-Kopsch解剖学 )
1 . 手背の静脈網の尺側部を起始とする。
2 . 前腕後面の尺側縁を上行する。
3 . 肘関節付近で前面に周り肘窩に出る。
( 肘窩付近では肘正中皮静脈を介して橈側皮静脈と連絡している。)
4 . 肘窩に出た後、上行て内側二頭筋溝( 上腕二頭筋と上腕三頭筋に間にできる溝 )を通る。
5 . 上腕筋膜を貫いて深層に進み内側方の上腕静脈に注ぐ。
・「 上腕の下1/3で上腕筋膜の尺側皮静脈裂孔を通り深層に入り 」 ( 日本人体解剖学 )
・「 上腕のほぼ中央の高さで上腕筋膜を貫いて、深部に入り 」 ( 船戸和弥のHP )
以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。
「 The basilic vein is a large superficial vein of the upper limb that helps drain parts of the hand and forearm. It originates on the medial ( ulnar ) side of the dorsal venous network of the hand and travels up the base of the forearm, where its course is generally visible through the skin as it travels in the subcutaneous fat and fascia lying superficial to the muscles.
Near the region anterior to the cubital fossa, in the bend of the elbow joint, the basilic vein usually connects with the other large superficial vein of the upper extremity, the cephalic vein, via the median cubital vein ( or median basilic vein ) . The layout of superficial veins in the forearm is highly variable from person to person, and there is a profuse network of unnamed superficial veins that the basilic vein communicates with.
【 語 句 】
・ forearm : 前腕 ・ dorsal venous network : 手背静脈網 ・ subcutaneous : 皮下の ・ fascia : 筋膜 ・ cubital fossa : 肘窩 ・ cephalic vein : 橈側皮静脈 ・ median cubital vein : 肘正中皮静脈 ・ profuse : 豊富な
As it ascends the medial side of the biceps in the arm proper ( between the elbow and shoulder ) , the basilic vein normally perforates the brachial fascia ( deep fascia ) above the medial epicondyle, or even as high as mid-arm. There, around the lower border of the teres major muscle, the anterior and posterior circumflex humeral veins feed into it, just before it joins the brachial veins to form the axillary vein.
Along with other superficial veins in the forearm, the basilic vein is an acceptable site for venipuncture. Nevertheless, IV nurses sometimes refer to the basilic vein as the "virgin vein", since with the arm typically supinated during phlebotomy the basilic vein below the elbow becomes awkward to access, and is therefore infrequently used.
Vascular surgeons sometimes utilize the basilic vein to create an AV ( arteriovenous ) fistula or AV graft for hemodialysis access in patients with kidney failure. 」
【 語 句 】
・ biceps : 上腕二頭筋 ・ brachial fascia : 上腕筋膜 ・ medial epicondyle : 内側上顆 ・ teres major muscle : 大円筋 ・ posterior circumflex humeral vein : 後上腕回旋静脈 ・ brachial veins :上腕静脈 ・ axillary vein : 腋窩静脈 ・ venipuncture : 静脈穿刺 ・ supinate : 回外運動する ・ phlebotomy : 瀉血 ・ awkward : 不便な/扱いにくい ・ utilize : 利用する ・ arteriovenous : 動静脈の ・ fistula : 孔 ・ graft : 移殖組織 ・ hemodialysis : 人工透析
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