副半奇静脈 ( 奇静脈系の静脈の1つ )

 ( ふくはんきじょうみゃく、 英 :accessory hemiazygos vein )



・「 発生学的には、左上肋間静脈とともに左後主静脈と主上静脈の上半部に由来する。」( 船戸和弥のHP






以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。

「 The accessory hemiazygos vein, also called the superior hemiazygous vein[1]is a vein on the left side of the vertebral column that generally drains the fourth through eighth intercostal spaces on the left side of the body.

【 structure 】

 The accessory hemiazygos vein varies inversely in size with the left superior intercostal vein.
It receives the posterior intercostal veins from the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th intercostal spaces between the left superior intercostal vein and highest tributary of the hemiazygos vein ; the left bronchial vein sometimes opens into it.
It either crosses the body of the eighth thoracic vertebra to join the azygos vein or ends in the hemiazygos.
When this vein is small, or altogether absent, the left superior intercostal vein may extend as low as the fifth or sixth intercostal space. 」

【 語 句 】

vertebral column : 脊柱   ・ intercostal spaces : 肋間隙  ・ inversely : 逆に   ・ superior intercostal vein : 上肋間静脈  ・ posterior intercostal veins : 肋間静脈   ・tributary : 支流  ・ hemiazygos vein : 半奇静脈   ・ bronchial vein : 気管支静脈  ・ thoracic vertebra : 胸椎   ・ azygos vein : 奇静脈 


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