後 枝 ( 閉鎖動脈の枝 ) ( こうし 、 英 : posterior branch


後枝 とは


  ・「 船戸和弥のHP 」では「 深 枝 」という呼称も見られる。











 以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。

「 The posterior branch of the obturator artery is a small artery in the thigh and follows the posterior margin of the foramen and turns forward on the inferior ramus of the ischium, where it anastomoses with the anterior branch.
It gives twigs to the muscles attached to the ischial tuberosity and anastomoses with the inferior gluteal artery. It also supplies an articular branch which enters the hip-joint through the acetabular notch, ramifies in the fat at the bottom of the acetabulum and sends a twig along the ligament of head of femur (ligamentum teres) to the head of the femur.
The blood supply to the femoral head and neck is enhanced by the artery of the ligamentum teres derived from the obturator artery. In adults, this is small and doesn't have much importance, but in children whose epiphyseal line is still made of cartilage ( which doesn't allow blood supply through it ), it helps to supply the head and neck of the femur on its own.
The articular branch is usually patent until roughly 15 years of age. In adults it does not provide enough blood supply to prevent avascular necrosis in upper femur fractures.

【 語 句 】

・ thigh : 大腿  ・ inferior ramus of the ischium : 坐骨下肢   ・ twig : 小枝   ・ ischial tuberosity : 坐骨結節   ・ anastomose with ~ : ~ と吻合する  ・ inferior gluteal artery : 下殿動脈   ・ acetabulum:寛骨臼  ・ acetabular notch : 寛骨臼切痕   ・ ramify : 分岐する ・ acetabulum : 寛骨臼   ・ ligament of head of femur : 大腿骨頭靭帯  ・ be enhanced by ~ : ~によって高められる   ・ ligamentum teres : 円索  ・ derived from ~ : ~ 由来の  ・ epiphyseal line : 骨端線   ・ patent : 明白な  ・ avascular necrosis : 無腐性壊死  ・ fractures : 骨折 


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