下横隔動脈 とは
・「 they rarely arise as separate vessels from the aorta.」( Wikipedia )
横隔膜の上面は上横隔動脈( 胸大動脈の枝 )が分布する。また、「Wikipedia」には以下のような解説文が見受けられる。
「 The lateral branch of the right phrenic gives off a few vessels to the inferior vena cava; and the left one, some branches to the esophagus.
Each vessel gives off superior suprarenal branches to the suprarenal gland of its own side. The spleen and the liver also receive a few twigs from the left and right vessels respectively.」

「 日本人体解剖学 」「 船戸和弥のホームページ 」には上副腎動脈以外に枝の名称は見られないが、「Wikipedia」には以下のような解説が見られる。
・「Near the back part of the central tendon each vessel divides into a medial and a lateral branch.」( Wikipedia )
「 日本人体解剖学 」「 船戸和弥のホームページ 」には吻合に関する言及は見られないが、英語版のWikipediaには以下のような解説が見られる。
「The medial branch curves forward, and anastomoses with its fellow of the opposite side, and with the musculophrenic and pericardiacophrenic arteries.
以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。
「 The inferior phrenic arteries are two small vessels, which supply the diaphragm but present much variety in their origin.
They may arise separately from the front of the aorta, immediately above the celiac artery, or by a common trunk, which may spring either from the aorta or from the celiac artery. Sometimes one is derived from the aorta, and the other from one of the renal arteries ; they rarely arise as separate vessels from the aorta.
They diverge from one another across the crura of the diaphragm, and then run obliquely upward and lateralward upon its under surface.
Each vessel gives off superior suprarenal branches to the suprarenal gland of its own side. The spleen and the liver also receive a few twigs from the left and right vessels respectively.」
【 語 句 】
・ diaphragm : 横隔膜 ・ celiac artery : 腹腔動脈 ・ renal arteries : 腎動脈 ・ diverge : 分岐する ・ the crura of the diaphragm : 横隔膜脚 ・ esophagus : 食道 ・ esophageal hiatus : 食道裂孔 ・ inferior vena cava : 下大静脈 ・ central tendon : 腱中心 ・anastomose with ~ : ~と吻合する ・ musculophrenic and pericardiacophrenic arteries : 筋横隔動脈と心膜横隔動脈 ・ superior suprarenal branches : 上副腎動脈 ・ spleen : 脾臓 ・ twig : 小枝 ・ respectively : それぞれ ・ intercostal arteries : 肋間動脈
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