・「The central retinal artery is approximately 160 micrometres in diameter.」(Wikipedia)
以下は「 日本人体解剖学 」を参考にして眼動脈の枝を簡単に一覧にしたものとなる。
上記の7つの動脈の名称以外に「 日本人体解剖学 」に掲載されているイラスト(下巻P487)には以下のような動脈の名称も見られるが、おそらく上外側動脈のことだと思われる。
・ 上外側網膜動脈
以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。
The central retinal artery ( retinal artery ) branches off the ophthalmic artery, running inferior to the optic nerve within its dural sheath to the eyeball.
【 Structure 】
It pierces the optic nerve close to the eyeball, sending branches over the internal surface of the retina, and these terminal branches are the only blood supply to the larger part of it.
The central part of the retina where the light rays are focussed after passing through the pupil and the lens is a circular area called the macula. The center of this circular area is the fovea. The fovea and a small area surrounding it are not supplied by the central retinal artery or its branches, but instead by the choroid.
The central retinal artery is approximately 160 micrometres in diameter.
【 語 句 】
・ophthalmic artery:眼動脈 ・optic nerve:視神経 ・dural:硬膜の ・pierce:貫通する ・retina:網膜 ・pupil:瞳孔 ・lens:水晶体 ・macula:網膜黄斑 ・fovea:中心窩 ・choroid:脈絡膜 ・approximately:おおよそ
【 Variation 】
In some cases - approximately 20% of the population - there is a branch of the ciliary circulation called the cilio-retinal artery which supplies the retina between the macula and the optic nerve, including the nerve fibers from the foveal photoreceptors. If this artery is present, the central vision will be preserved even in case of CRAO.
【 Development 】
The central retinal artery is formed from the proximal part of the hyaloid artery after atrophy of its distal part has formed the hyaloid canal.
【 Function 】
The central retinal artery supplies all the nerve fibers that form the optic nerve that carries the visual information to the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus, including those that reach over the fovea.」
【 語 句 】
・cilio-retinal arter:毛様網膜動脈 ・photoreceptor:光受容器 ・CRAO:central retinal artery occulusion(網膜中心動脈閉鎖症)・proximal: ・hyaloid artery:硝子体動脈 ・atrophy: ・hyaloid canal:硝子体管 ・lateral geniculate nucleus:外側膝状核 ・thalamus:視床
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