・「Three of the four rectus muscles; the superior, inferior and medial, are supplied by two ciliary
arteries each, while the lateral rectus only receives one branch.」(Wikipedia)

以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。
「 The anterior ciliary arteries are seven small arteries in each eye-socket that supply the conjunctiva, sclera and the rectus muscles. They are derived from the muscular branches of the ophthalmic artery.
【 course 】
The anterior ciliary arteries are branches of the ophthalmic artery and run to the front of the eyeball in company with the extraocular muscles. They form a vascular zone beneath the conjunctiva, and then pierce the sclera a short distance from the cornea and end in the circulus arteriosus major. Three of the four rectus muscles ; the superior, inferior and medial, are supplied by two ciliary arteries each, while the lateral rectus only receives one branch. 」
【 語 句 】
・eye-socket:眼窩 ・conjunctiva:結膜 ・sclera:強膜 ・rectus muscles:直筋 ・extraocular muscles:外眼筋 ・vascular:脈管の ・cornea:角膜 ・circulus arteriosus major:大虹彩動脈輪
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