上唇挙筋 ( じょうしんきょきん、 英 : levator labii superioris muscle )
・ 概 要 |
・ 作 用 |
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・ 神経 / 脈管 |
・ 起始 / 停止 |
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【 起 始 】: 上顎体の前面( 眼窩口下縁の直下 )から起こり眼窩下孔を超えて下方に走る。
【 停 止 】: 上唇の皮膚 ※「 上唇鼻翼挙筋におおわれて同一の場所に停止する 」( 日本人体解剖学 )
・ 神 経 : 顔面神経 の 頬骨枝 ( 日本人体解剖学 )
・ 脈 管 : おそらく顔面動脈・静脈 のいずれかの枝だと思われるが詳細は不明。
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The levator labii superioris ( or quadratus labii superioris ) is a muscle of the human body used in facial expression. It is a broad sheet, the origin of which extends from the side of the nose to the zygomatic bone.[1]
Its medial fibers form the angular head ( also known as the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle,[2]) which arises by a pointed extremity from the upper part of the frontal process of the maxilla and passing obliquely downward and lateralward divides into two slips.
One of these is inserted into the greater alar cartilage and skin of the nose ; the other is prolonged into the lateral part of the upper lip, blending with the infraorbital head and with the orbicularis oris.
The intermediate portion or infraorbital head arises from the lower margin of the orbit immediately above the infraorbital foramen, some of its fibers being attached to the maxilla, others to the zygomatic bone.
Its fibers converge, to be inserted into the muscular substance of the upper lip between the angular head and the levator anguli oris.
The lateral fibers, forming the zygomatic head ( also known as the zygomaticus minor muscle,[3]) arise from the malar surface of the zygomatic bone immediately behind the zygomaticomaxillary suture and pass downward and medialward to the upper lip.
Its main function is to elevate upper lip.[4]
【 語 句 】
・ zygomatic bone : 頬骨 ・ levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle : 上唇鼻翼挙筋 ・ frontal process of the maxilla : 上顎骨の前頭突起 ・ slip : 細長い片 ・ greater alar cartilage : 大鼻翼軟骨 ・ prolong : 延長する ・ orbicularis oris : 眼輪筋 ・ infraorbital foramen : 眼窩下孔 ・ levator anguli oris : 口角挙筋 ・ zygomaticus minor muscle : 小頬骨筋 ・ malar : 頬(骨)の ・ zygomaticomaxillary suture : 頬骨上顎縫合