「外側眼瞼靱帯 Lig. palpebrale temporale は眼輪筋と眼窩隔膜とのうしろ(Eislerによる)にあって,眼窩口縁の2~3mm後方で頬骨につく 」
「 The lateral palpebral ligament is a much weaker structure than the medial palpebral ligament situated anterior to the septum.
It is attached to the margin of the frontosphenoidal process of the zygomatic bone, and passes medialward to the lateral commissure of the eyelids, where it divides into two slips, which are attached to the margins of the respective tarsi.
The term lateral palpebral raphe is sometimes used as the same as lateral palpebral ligament, or described as the thin band of the lateral palpebral ligament that is reinforced by the orbicularis oculi.」
【 語 句 】
・septum:隔膜、隔壁 ・frontosphenoidal process:前頭突起 ・zypomatic bone:頬骨 ・commissure:交連 ・eyelid: ・tarsi:足根? ・lateral palpebral raphe:外側眼瞼縫線 ・reinforce: ・orbicularis oculi:眼輪筋
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