「鼡径靱帯の内側部は後方に向かって広がり恥骨筋膜と合し裂孔靱帯となって恥骨櫛内側部に至る.これは血管裂孔の外側縁をなし,この線維のつづきが恥骨櫛に沿って延びているものを恥骨櫛靱帯という. 」
「The pectineal ligament (sometimes known as the inguinal ligament of Cooper,[1] after Astley Cooper) is an extension of the lacunar ligament that runs on the pectineal line of the pubic bone.
It was characterized by Cooper in 1804.[2][3] The structure is strong and holds suture well, facilitating reconstruction of the floor of the inguinal canal. This variant of non-prosthetic inguinal hernia repair, first used by Lotheissen in Austria,[4] now bears his name.
The femoral canal lies at the medial aspect of the femoral sheath. The femoral sheath is a fascial tunnel containing both the femoral artery laterally and femoral vein medially. The canal lies medial to the vein.
Borders of the femoral canal
Laterally: Femoral vein
Medially: Lacunar ligament
Anteriorly: Inguinal ligament
Posteriorly: Pectineal ligament」
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