上腕動脈 とは

1 . 腋窩動脈の続きで、大胸筋の下縁から始まる。
(「 大円筋の停止腱の下縁の高さで腋窩動脈よりつづいてはじまり 」(船戸和弥のホームページ))
2 . 内側上腕ニ頭筋溝を上腕ニ頭筋の内側、上腕筋の前面に位置して、尺骨神経、橈骨神経、および上腕静脈と並行するように下行する。
3 . 次第に前腕の中央寄りとなる。
4 . 肘関節前面のやや遠位(肘窩)、上腕二頭筋腱膜の下で橈骨動脈と尺骨動脈に2つに分かれる。


以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。
「 The brachial artery is the major blood vessel of the (upper) arm. It is the continuation of the axillary artery beyond the lower margin of teres major muscle. It continues down the ventral surface of the arm until it reaches the cubital fossa at the elbow. It then divides into the radial and ulnar arteries which run down the forearm. In some individuals, the bifurcation occurs much earlier and the ulnar and radial arteries extend through the upper arm. The pulse of the brachial artery is palpable on the anterior aspect of the elbow, medial to the tendon of the biceps, and, with the use of a stethoscope and sphygmomanometer (blood pressure cuff) often used to measure the blood pressure.
The brachial artery is closely related to the median nerve; in proximal regions, the median nerve is immediately lateral to the brachial artery. Distally, the median nerve crosses the medial side of the brachial artery and lies anterior to the elbow joint.
【 Structure 】
・ The brachial artery gives rise to the following branches:
It also gives rise to important anastomotic networks of the elbow and (as the axillary artery) the shoulder.
The biceps head is lateral to the brachial artery. The median nerve is medial to the brachial artery for most of its course. 」
【 語 句 】
・ ventral : 腹側の ・ cubital fossa : 肘窩 ・ bifurcation : 分岐 ・ palpable : 触知できる ・ stethoscope : 聴診器 ・ sphygmomanometer : 血圧計 ・ proximal : 位の ・ Distally : 遠位に
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