

以下が後頭動脈の走行する主な経路となる。( 枝の分岐は記していない。)
1 . 顔面動脈の反対側の外頚動脈の後側より分岐する。
2 . 分岐後、顎二腹筋の後腹の下部を通って、後上方へ進む。
3 . 側頭骨の後頭動脈溝を通過する。
4 . 僧帽筋の起始腱の上端を貫き皮下に出て、多くの枝に分かれて後頭部/頭頂部に分布する。

以下は「 日本人体解剖学 」を参考にして作成した、後頭動脈の枝を簡単に表す図となる。

以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。
「 The occipital artery arises from the external carotid artery opposite the facial artery. Its path is below the posterior belly of digastric to the occipital region. This artery supplies blood to the back of the scalp and sterno-mastoid muscles, and deep muscles in the back and neck.
【 structure 】
At its origin, it is covered by the posterior belly of the digastricus and the stylohyoideus, and the hypoglossal nerve winds around it from behind forward; higher up, it crosses the internal carotid artery, the internal jugular vein, and the vagus and accessory nerves.
It next ascends to the interval between the transverse process of the atlas and the mastoid process of the temporal bone, and passes horizontally backward, grooving the surface of the latter bone, being covered by the sternocleidomastoideus, splenius capitis, longissimus capitis, and digastricus, and resting upon the rectus capitis lateralis, the obliquus superior, and semispinalis capitis.
It then changes its course and runs vertically upward, pierces the fascia connecting the cranial attachment of the trapezius with the sternocleidomastoideus, and ascends in a tortuous course in the superficial fascia of the scalp, where it divides into numerous branches, which reach as high as the vertex of the skull and anastomose with the posterior auricular and superficial temporal arteries.
【 branches 】
- Muscular branches
- Auricular branch
- Meningeal branch
- Descending branches
Its terminal portion is accompanied by the greater occipital nerve.」
【 語 句 】
・ digastric:顎二腹筋 ・stylohyoideus :(茎突舌骨筋) ・ hypoglossal nerve:舌下神経 ・internal jugular vein :内頚静脈 ・ vagus nerve:迷走神経 ・ transverse process of the atlas:環椎横突起 ・mastoid process :乳様突起 ・ splenius capitis:頭板状筋 ・ longissimus capitis:頭長筋 ・rectus capitis lateralis :外側頭直筋 ・ obliquus superior:上斜筋 ・semispinalis capitis :頭半棘筋 ・ : ・ : ・ : ・ :
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