左結腸動脈 ( 下腸間膜動脈の枝 ) ( ひだりけっちょうどうみゃく、 英 : left colic artery


左結腸動脈 とは







 以下は「 Wikipedia 」の解説文となる。

「 The left colic artery is a branch of the inferior mesenteric artery that runs to the left behind the peritoneum and in front of the psoas major muscle, and after a short, but variable, course divides into an ascending and a descending branch; the stem of the artery or its branches cross the left ureter and left internal spermatic vessels.
The ascending branch crosses in front of the left kidney and ends, between the two layers of the transverse mesocolon, by anastomosing with the middle colic artery ; the descending branch anastomoses with the highest sigmoid artery.
From the arches formed by these anastomoses branches are distributed to the descending colon and the left part of the transverse colon.」

【 語 句 】

peritoneum : 腹膜   ・ psoas major muscle : 大腰筋  ・  ureter : 尿管   ・ spermatic : 精子の ・ transverse mesocolon : 横行結腸間膜   ・ middle colic artery : 中結腸動脈  ・anastomose with ~ : ~と吻合する   ・ sigmoid artery : S状結腸動脈  ・ be distributed to ~: ~に分布する


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